New Year Thoughts 2020

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a good holiday and some time for knitting, crocheting or enjoying your favourite craft.

I apologise for the length of time since my last blog. Life just seemed to overflow in December. It is now the beginning of a new year and I will have to get my life back to balance.  

So, this year I am trying to focus and expand my ‘crafting mind’ and have made a list of items to make/finish during 2020. Also, I plan not to buy any more wool but to use up my stash!  

Over the holidays, I did enjoy some knitting and crochet time. I completed 4 more hexagons from my Persian Tiled Blanket by Jane Crow. I bought this kit from my local wool shop, about 2-3 years ago and am making slow progress on it. 

As you can see, it is not something easily done in front of the television as there are lots of yarn changes and stitch changes, so for me this is a stop/start project. The pack of wool and partially completed blanket has been in my daughter’s bedroom for the past year with no movement accumulation, so I thought I had better work on it.

I worked the other hexagons individually, but this time decided to complete 4 at once ie. crocheting the middle of all 4, then the next round of all four etc – making sure I picked up the correct colour.  The instructions are quite clear but in the middle of Christmas on goings, it would be easy to make a mistake. Happily, all went smoothly and I now have another 4 blocked hexagons to add to my blanket.  I have had my fill of this and it is now packed away for another while. Don’t get me wrong, the hexagons are easy enough to make as the instructions are really clear and the colours are a joy.  My husband also made me a blocking thing to make sure all the hexagons are the same size.

I also finished a pair of fingerless mittens Peterswell by Carol Feller. I like the way the cables evolve from the rib at the start of the mitten and it let me practise some cablework. 

To finish I am now working on a jumper for myself – I had crocheted a circular yoke jumper at the end of last year and have decided to cast on a knitted jumper. More about this on my next blog.  

Happy crafting


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